In 2002, in the mushroom town of Garamanda, there was born a young goblin. This goblin was named Cooke and he grew up to be the greatest warrior ever seen by the goblins. By the time he was ten, a war between the goblins and the elves broke out. The war went on for three years and soon the Wise Goblin, Yadamante, became ill and died. He was the commander of the goblin army so the goblins were forced to choose a new leader. All eyes fell upon Cooke. After three days of intense battle, the goblin warriors gave up. They said,
“We are outnumbered, and unmatched. If one of their spells can kill the Wise Goblin, then what could one hundred spells do to the whole of Garamanda?”
Cooke listened for a long time. Finally he spoke.
“You giving up will do more harm to Garamanda then the elves could ever do.”
The warriors were silent for a while before a massive cheer erupted. They rushed into battle and their desire for safety of Garamanda was no match for the elves. After ten days of war the fight came down to Cooke and the Elf King. Cooke slashed and stabbed while the Elf King could only just defend the blows. The fight went on for three days and took Cooke and the Elf King all the way to the desert. The two fought viciously until Cooke lunged at the Elf Kingʼs chest. Time seemed to slow down as the golden goblin blade grew closer to the heart of the Elf King. Just as the blade pierced his heart, the Elf King said,
“Who are you? Are you some sort of god?”
Cooke replied with only a wink and killed the Elf King.
Cooke was never seen again after that battle, though some warriors claim to have heard his voice while in battle.