Ode to a rioter

Dalston Cross Shopping Hall,
Time stopped, our eyes met,
Whilst looting T-Mobile
For brand new handsets.

Your smile stopped my heartbeat,
In burning car light,
(A torched Fiat Punto
Had lit up the night)

Though Clyde to your Bonnie,
You ransacked my heart,
Crime brought us together,
Crime tore us apart

My Angel! My Seraph!
Of Pembury Estate,
Fallen from floor fourteen,
Council flat eight

Your kiss was Lambrini,
Mixed with Mac Lip Gloss,
Your Blackberry message
Alerted the cops

My wing-footed Venus!
My Angel! My Muse!
The law tried to take back
Your new Fila Shoes

Though riot vans chased you,
True love intervened,
I tackled a copper,
To let you run free

But love’s strong arm wilted,
‘Gainst riot batons,
Whilst the Pigs battered me,
You laughed and ran on

I languish in Penton
Ville, send me a sign,
Your Primarni pants, or
A mixtape of Grime

I picture you often,
True queen of my thoughts,
In dreams you kick shop fronts,
Outside JD Sports

Give show that you love me,
Imprisoned, I wait,
I shall send a bouquet,
To Pembury Estate.

Michael Hines