The Cut

I see full lines, track lines, parallel lines
where the fast furious light cuts my patch in two.
With berry-stained paws and diamond eyes,
I walk where no man can.

I hear the click, the crunch, the snap
where trespassers breathe fire in hushed huddles.
With cold jaw and electric fur,
I hide where no man can.

I smell dead meat, car heat and human feet
where the dark light always rattles and hums.
With eager heart and pulsing blood,
I eat what no man can.

Marky B

The Sweeper

His streets
long before the
flurry of the
earliest morning feet
And this makes him smile.

Not perfect yet
Nor will they be
But they’ll be better

Each stroke
Palming away
The unwanted
Always forward
Firm grip and downward
Push, past memories
Swept up with butts and plastic cups

While most look down
He looks back
He’s made a difference
And this does him.

Robert McEvoy


I lay plank-like darting eyes,
you the unknown reminding me I’m
Between beeping light and white coat,
I see you cleaning floors
and opening doors.

I spy you in profile radiant,
ignored by passersby hidden and shy.
Between morphine and news at nine,
I see you cleaning floors
and opening doors.

I guess at your state of mind,
and what loves and shames you hide.
Between new hairstyles and hemlines,
I see you cleaning floors
and opening doors.

I hold you in my mind’s eye.
Escaping and collapsing
Between adrenalin and the final
I see you cleaning floors
and opening doors.

Marky B

Some thoughts about film

I want to see films of bleak environments like desolate Iceland and harsh Russian tundra.

I want to see films about change and class and discontent.

I want to see more films about space. There aren’t enough.

I want to see films with colour palettes of faded browns, deep turquoises, semolina yellows,
And subtle tones of grey.

I want to see films in different languages, un-subtitled, because they only make sense in their native tongue.

I want to see films that make me uncomfortable,
And angry,
And those that make me think about them for weeks afterwards.

I want to see films that make me see differently,
And ones that show me I’m not alone in my thoughts.

I want to see films with dialogue so natural it’s perfect,
And quiet films … with minutes between lines.

I want to see films with characters I loathe, and then fall in love with.

I want to see my future favourite ever film – but not just yet.

I want to see films that instil in me the urge to make films …

I want to see the film I keep thinking about making, but doesn’t yet exist.

Alix Land

Parental lament

My boy is sleeping safe in bed
Without a tumour in his head.

No hepatitis, septicaemia.
No lymphoma, no leukaemia.

His heart is strong, his breathing sure.
The marrow in his bones is pure.

CF, MD or HIV.

We drove him safely to his school,
And back again. He swam the pool

Untroubled, laughing, loving it.
No seizure, stroke or fatal fit.

No aircraft engine yet has failed.
No train come lethally derailed.

He moves from trampoline to tree
To bicycle, to skate and ski,

Unharmed, unruffled, innocent.
No injury. No accident.

He sleeps. We sleep. Another day
Is passed in ease. We made more hay.

No horror here, no sudden shark.
No plunge into the depthless dark.

No slip from sunshine into sorrow.
But there’s always tomorrow.
Always tomorrow.

Mike Reed

Stand up, routine

I’m going to write in italics
For the rest of my life.
It helps me put my own
Slant on things.

I worried I was pretty fat,
So I curled up
Small and started a fire.
I was a little lighter.

They told me I needed
To be an advocate for turf.
I felt very forlorn.

I went to the tobacconists.
It was closed,
So no cigar.

You think I’m bad?
Well, the internet’s
Doubly selfish.
It’s all meme meme
Meme meme meme.

Django Wylie


You know what pisses me off about Draw Something? PEOPLE. Stupid, lazy fucking people.

For those that don’t know (are you serious?), Draw Something is the latest app to make people drop their yoghurt. It’s basically Pictionary without the time limit – hang on a minute. How did they get away with that?! Maybe we should all take a popular board game, remove something fairly unimportant and make an app. It’s the modern day get-rich-quick scheme.

Anyway, back to the people. The fucking people. The people that think it’s ok to draw ‘table’ because ‘dandruff’ is too tricky. Just draw a Head and Shoulders bottle! We could earn 3 coins! I may take it a little too seriously. I tend to avoid (or delete) my best friends if they pick a one coiner, or draw something so ludicrously abstract I waste half an hour crying with rage, frantically pressing the shuffle letters button. They don’t deserve me.

I’m not gonna lie, I’ve become a master at this game. OK, a master of half this game. People come to me to help them guess because of the idiots I’m used to playing. But drawing is in my top 3 weakest skills (my girlfriend can tell you the others). But I try, I really try (go on, ask her). I look at my drawings before I send them and smile. I even draw them in a way that makes it easier to guess quickly so you don’t waste your precious time.

That’s all I ask from fellow players. Fucking DRAW something, don’t waste my time. Be considerate, it’s a team game.

That reminds me, I need to draw Shrek for my shrink.

Lewis Bish

Dogs in books #003

The Hundred and One Dalmatians
Dodie Smith 1956

Pete Lewis


MDNA is Madonna’s twelfth studio album, and the first since 2008’s Hard Candy.

Anticipation has been high for MDNA, particularly after the singer’s widely praised performance at this year’s Super Bowl XLVI half time show, which scored a record audience of 114 million.

Lead single Give Me All Your Luvin’, featuring Nicki Minaj and M.I.A., became Madonna’s record-extending 38th top 10 single in the United States, whilst the music video for latest single Girl Gone Wild, a throwback to the singer’s Erotica days, has been banned on open view on YouTube due to sexually explicit content.

Needless to say, this has all generated a huge amount of publicity for the singer’s latest album. Early reviews of the record were glowing, with Billboard referring to it as ‘sheer brilliance’. So, does it live up to the hype? In short, yes. MDNA is an eclectic album, full of dance tracks practically made for summer, pop songs and reflective ballads.

Whilst perhaps not as strong as earlier albums, such as Ray of Light or Like A Virgin, MDNA is a solid album that reestablishes Madonna alongside her contemporaries.

Highlights include I’m Addicted, I Don’t Give A…, Love Spent and Masterpiece.

James Golunski